爽⋯好多水⋯快⋯深一点| 王贻芳院士:中国已布局建设77个大科学装置 覆盖主要科研领域

来源: 新华社
2024-04-29 22:22:24







Title: The Blissful Depths: Diving into an Ocean of Refreshment

How often have we dreamt of basking in the cool abundance of water, feeling its soothing touch caress us from head to toe? The delight of experiencing refreshing waters that go deeper, letting ourselves surrender to their immersive embrace, is an unparalleled sensation. This article delves into the captivating allure of deep waters and explores three captivating aspects that make such depths so enthralling.

I. The Allure of Cool Heaven
The first fascinating aspect of diving into the deep, refreshing waters is the initial sense of ice-cold amazement. As our bodies submerge deeper, the surrounding temperature starts to drop, creating a refreshing contrast to the heated world above. The coolness envelops us, causing an invigorating shiver down our spine. No matter how scorching the sun may be, the deep waters always offer an escape to cool heaven, allowing us to relish the sensation of pure refreshment and tranquility.

II. Embracing Solitude and Sublime Silence
Once submerged in the deep waters, another captivating aspect reveals itself: the solace found in solitude and sublime silence. As we descend further, the outside noise dissipates gradually until the only audible sounds are the gentle caress of water against our skin and the rhythmic beat of our own heart. In this profound solitude, a stillness settles over us, bringing forth a deep sense of peace and contentment. It is as if we have entered a world where time slows down, where we can let go of the worries and stresses of everyday life and simply exist within the serene embrace of the deep.

III. Discovering Nature's Underwater Wonderland
In the depths of water lies a hidden world, teeming with life and whimsical wonders waiting to be explored. This third captivating aspect of diving into the deep lies in the enchanting discovery of nature's underwater wonderland. As we venture deeper, vibrant coral reefs come into view. Schools of dazzling fish, each seemingly playing its part in a choreographed ballet, swim gracefully through vibrant sea flora. Rays and turtles glide effortlessly, their movements fluid and mesmerizing. Exploring the depths allows us to witness the extraordinary beauty that lies beneath the surface, revealing nature's artistic prowess in its most unexplored domain.

In conclusion, the irresistible allure of diving into the depths of cool, refreshing waters lies in the multi-faceted experiences it offers. Whether it is the initial sensation of ice-cold refreshment, the sublime silence that embraces us, or the enchanting underwater wonderland awaiting our exploration, the depths allow us to surrender ourselves to the incredible power of water. So, the next time you have the opportunity to dive deep and immerse yourself in this aquatic paradise, grab it with open arms, as it will surely provide a renewal of mind, body, and soul like no other experience can.

  中新网北京4月28日电 (记者 孙自法)中国科学院院士、中国科学院高能物理研究所(高能所)所长王贻芳4月28日在北京表示,截至2023年底,中国已布局建设77个国家重大科技基础设施即大科学装置,在建和运行的大科学装置达57个,已覆盖主要科研领域,部分设施综合水平迈入全球“第一方阵”。


4月28日,2024中关村论坛国家重大科技基础设施开放共享论坛暨怀柔综合性国家科学中心重大成果发布会在北京怀柔举行,王贻芳院士发表主旨演讲。中新网记者 孙自法 摄





4月28日,2024中关村论坛国家重大科技基础设施开放共享论坛暨怀柔综合性国家科学中心重大成果发布会在北京怀柔举行,王贻芳院士发表主旨演讲,介绍大科学装置科研成果应用领域。中新网记者 孙自法 摄





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